Okay. I predicted that I was going to make earrings the next month. But I went home to my mother and younger brother last Friday. My brother had just gotten some pots and pans to play with. But I had seen some crochet patterns making different foods and dishes, and thought it would be a fun thing to make for my brother. So these last days I've been making food he could serve with his new toys.

This is a slice of bread with cucumber slices and a slice of tomato. When I started this "project" I didn't have white and yellow(For sunnyside up eggs) but my mother had beige and brown yarn so that I could make a slice of bread. I first made it with only one "layer", but it just curled up and didn't work, so I made it double.(I'm probably crocheting to tight or using a hook that is to small. And this picture is taken before I made it double, it looks a little better now.) I used the pattern from
this page. The slices of cucumber I composed on my own, starting with ch 2, then 6 sc in first ch, and just increasing the next round, switching color for the last round. The tomato slice pattern I found
here. By the way, my brother had a friend over today and they came up to my room asking if I could make another slice of bread, because they wanted to make a sandwich. Having already used up (Almost) all of the beige yarn I had to use off white for the center of the bread and the rest of the beige as the crust(And it was not enough so the last side of it I had to make in off white) So now I has one slice of ordinary bread and one slice of white bread. I'll add a picture later.

This is actually the star of this project, but since I have no real system of my pictures it comes in second, forgive me. It is a hot dog in a bun with ketchup(I'll make the mustard later). And a pancake/
lompe. He likes his hot dogs best in lompe(Seriously, I don't think there is a word for this in English, but check the wikipedia link) and therefore I thought he should have one. It also doubles as a pancake, if he would rather serve that. The hot dog pattern, with bun, I found
here. The ketchup is just a chain of red yarn, in stead of being crocheted on. After all, no one cooks hot dogs with the ketchup or mustard on! The pancake/lompe I made on my own, it's just a spiral and increasing. Again I think I should have had a bigger hook, because it curles, but my brother said it was okay.

So here is my beautiful piece of toast once again, now with an egg on top. Also a whole, uncracked egg, and a leaf of lettuce. The sunny side up egg pattern I found
here. The whole egg
here. And the lettuce
here. The fried egg was kind of a challenge, because of the yolk. I didn't make the last round of the pattern, because I thought it was to big. It was also a little hard to stitch on, but turned out ok. The lettuce I made because I actually promised my brother to make him a hamburger, but I have not yet found a pattern for it that I like. But anyway, the lettuce will fit in between the burger and the bun.
I ordered
this book, because I like the pattern for the burger in it. How I know? Well, on
Ravelry you won't only find the free pattern for your search, but also patterns from book, or that you have to pay for. I've already wanted to buy this book, now I just have an excuse.
I also ordered a book on how to crochet socks, and another book on amigurumi. You know what, I'll take a picture of my books as soon as my new order has arrived to show you guys.
But; I must say I love
Ravelry. The search engine for patterns is great. You can find patterns to just about anything there!
Edit: I also made a few pairs of earrings, but I forgot to transfer the pictures, so they have to come in next post.