Thursday, August 31, 2017

Geek Chic Monthly Unboxing - August Box

I promised you before I went to Sweden that I would return with unboxings in August. And here it is; the unboxing of the August Geek Chic Monthly Retro Video Games box!


Jeg lovet dere at når jeg kom hjem fra Sverige skulle jeg poste en unboxing av denne boksen, nemlig Geek Chic Monthlys boks med retrospill-tema. Så her er den!

The Norwegian mail office people had put their tracking sticker on top of the box this time. They have done it before too, but not in a long while. That is why there are some spots on the lid of the box. I was a bit annoyed, as this is kind of a cool design. 
Posten hadde klart å sette sporingsklistremerket sitt på lokket denne gangen. De har gjort det før også, men har klart å la være en god stund. Men det er derfor det er noen lysere flekker på lokket. Litt irriterende da, ettersom dette egentlig er en ganske kult boks. 

Look like there are only smaller items this month.
Ser ut til at det er bare små ting denne måneden.

First off a Yoshi keychain! I love Yoshi! When my grandfather told me to name his cat, I chose Yoshi. Sadly he had omitted the rule that I could only choose between Mons and Lurifax, two more traditional Norwegian cat names. Oh well.  I chose Lurifax, by the way.
Først en Yoshinøkkelring. Jeg elsker Yoshi! Da bestefar ba meg finne på et navn til den nye katten sin foreslo jeg Yoshi. Dessverre hadde han glemt å informere meg om at jeg kunne velge mellom Mons og Lurifax, som vel er de mer tradisjonelle norske navnene på hannkatter. Det ble Lurifax.

Pac-Man bracelet. It is actually quite cute, but a little small
Pac-Man-armbånd. Det er faktisk ganske søtt, men litt lite. 

Tetris necklace! At first, I was really happy, since I indeed have spent a lot of time playing Tetris. But then I started thinking (Isn't that just a curse?) these are not the right colors of the tetriminos, are they? Oh well, I'll probably still wear it. 
Tetriskjede! Jeg ble først veldig glad, ettersom jeg har spilt en del Tetris i mitt liv. Men dette er vel ikke de riktige fargene på brikkene? Ikke at det egentlig spiller noen rolle, jeg kommer sikker til å bruke det allikevel. 

Zelda fairy bottle earrings. There is a chance I'll wear these too. 
Zelda fairy bottle-øredobber. Det er grei mulighet for at jeg kommer til  bruke disse også. 

Group shot!

The card. It says that next months box will be Studio Ghibli-themed. I haven't seen all the movies from Studio Ghibli, but I'm pretty sure there will be a Totoro in it!
Kortet. På det står det at neste måned kommer til å ha Studio Ghibli som tema. Jeg har ikke sett alle Studio Ghibli-filmene, men jeg er ganske sikker på at det kommer til å være en Totoro i boksen!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The long awaited, much delayed July update // Den altfor forsinkede julioppdateringen.

Actually, I finished this last week, but I had too much to do with my semester starting and then going to London for the weekend. But now I'm back in Norway, slightly sleep deprived, with a lot less money and a bag full of Harry Potter-stuff. More on that later. Let us look at some progress!
Jeg ble egentlig ferdig med dette forrige uke, men det ble for travelt med skolestart og helgetur til London. Nå er jeg tilbake i Norge, med søvnunderskudd, en god del mindre penger i banken og en bag med Harry Potter-ting. Som jeg sikkert kommer til å skrive om senere. Men, la oss se på litt fremgang!

If I remember correctly, the first of July is in the middle of the stripe of the darkest pink. 
Om jeg husker rett skal den første juli være i midten av den første stripen med mørkest rosa. 

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

An update - On everything and nothing.

So, I'm back from Sweden. And I am super tired. And so this post will also be in English only. After all, there are more Norwegians able to read English than English speakers being able to read Norwegian. When I get back into a routine, I will go back to half and half again.

It was hard leaving Uppsala. I really fell in love with the city. The university, the river, the history, all the runestones! I am seriously considering going back to study. Zelda could even come, and she would love it. At least the river and the green areas. Maybe not so much the fact that I did not see even one dog without a leash while I was there. And she is used to walking without one.

As for the temperature project: I did bring it. And a thermometer, since the rooms did come with one. But I did not have enough yarn. In the middle of a row of light pink, representing the 18th of July I went out. I tried to find some in Uppsala, but couldn't and I haven't had any success today either, but I'll keep trying. For some reason, they have stopped stocking these colors where I used to buy yarn. I might not be able to get any until school starts next week and I get to go back to Oslo. 

See, it was there! 

I could post tons of pictures from Uppsala and also from Västerås, Sala and Mariehamn on Åland,  but I won't. You should just trust me, and go there yourselves. It is totally worth it! Well okay then. One picture from each place:

Fyrisån, the river that runs through Uppsala.

The large ship setting at Anundshög in Västerås.

Karl XI's shaft at the Sala Silvermine. 

This is a båk, or a day mark, on Åland. 

In other news; I was hoping to do an unboxing of the Harry Potter loot crate when I got home, but it is not here. I have been in contact with customer service, but I haven't heard back yet. Which is incredibly frustrating. I don't think I will be doing an unboxing of the Gamer Girl monthly box I received while I was gone since it is old news by now. But I will do an avocado update! You know after I've sent in my home exam-ish thing for the Swedish course. 

Let me know if there is anything you want me to do?